We do our best to take less from the earth.

The world and our climate are changing.
How we react to this change today will determine our tomorrow.
The earth’s resources are finite. At deller plastics, we are aware of
the responsibility we bear – especially as a plastics processing company.

We do not doubt climate change but rather face the challenge
and continuously ask ourselves how we can improve each of our processes.

Can you process plastic
and protect the environment?

We know that it is possible. That is why we are a pilot company
for the initiative “Resource Efficient Industrial Areas.”

Since the first years of the company’s history,
we have been using in-house recycling facilities to recycle waste.
Some items are made from 100% recycled material.
What we recycle today will not lack tomorrow as a raw material.

This item is made of 100% recycled polycarbonate (PC) – you cannot even notice it.

Plastic – and what about bioplastics?

“Some things are made of wood and grass, etc.”

That’s right.
There are now many substitutes on the market.
Not all substitutes meet the requirements
for technically complex components.
But wherever we can use bioplastics today,
we do.
This hybrid article is coated with high performance organic-based polyamide
from renewable castor beans.

Can old plastic be used?

In Germany, the recycling rate is nearly 100%.
Plastics make an important contribution to the
resource-efficient provision of services and goods.
At the end of their lives, they help save resources as a raw material – even as waste.

Total plastic waste (5.92 million t)
Recycling (5.88 million t) 99%
Disposal/landfill (0.04 million t) 1%
Energetic (3.14 million t) 53%
Material (2.74 million t) 46%
Thermal recycling (2.05 million t) 35%
Substitute fuel/other (1.09 million t) 18%
Material recycling (2.67 million t) 45%
Raw material recycling (0.07 million t) 1%

What about power consumption?

We constantly try to reduce energy use and increase performance. This is not only economical but significantly contributes to environmental protection. From hall lighting to modern machinery, we act responsibly towards the environment and future generations.